Summary of “Ratatouille” (2007)

  • Plot Overview: A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a chef and forms an unlikely partnership with a young kitchen worker named Linguini to achieve his culinary aspirations in a prestigious Parisian restaurant.
  • Themes: The film explores themes of ambition, identity, creativity, and the importance of following one’s passion.
  • Characters: Key characters include Remy, Linguini, Chef Skinner, Colette, and Anton Ego.
  • Setting: Set in Paris, primarily within the confines of the renowned restaurant Gusteau’s.


Ratatouille,” released in 2007, is a critically acclaimed animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Brad Bird, the movie tells the story of an ambitious rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a chef. Despite the obvious challenges of being a rodent in a human-dominated culinary world, Remy forms an unlikely partnership with a young kitchen worker named Linguini. This article explores the plot, themes, and characters of “Ratatouille,” as well as its unique setting in the heart of Paris.

Plot Overview

“Ratatouille” begins with Remy, a rat with an exceptional sense of taste and smell, who lives in the French countryside. Unlike his fellow rodents, Remy is not content with scavenging for garbage; he aspires to cook gourmet meals inspired by his culinary idol, Chef Auguste Gusteau. After an accident separates Remy from his family, he finds himself in Paris, beneath Gusteau’s famous restaurant.

In the restaurant’s kitchen, Remy encounters Linguini, a young and clumsy garbage boy who struggles with cooking. By a twist of fate, Remy and Linguini discover they can work together: Remy controls Linguini’s movements by pulling his hair, allowing Linguini to cook dishes that impress the restaurant’s patrons. Their collaboration leads to the revival of Gusteau’s restaurant, which had been in decline since the death of its founder.

However, their success attracts the suspicion of the restaurant’s current head chef, Skinner, who is determined to uncover their secret. The climax of the film sees the feared food critic, Anton Ego, coming to review the restaurant. Remy prepares a simple yet exquisite ratatouille dish that evokes Ego’s childhood memories, leading to a glowing review and the eventual revelation of Remy’s role in the kitchen.


Ambition and Identity

“Ratatouille” delves deeply into the theme of ambition. Remy’s dream of becoming a chef is fraught with obstacles, not least of which is his identity as a rat. The film portrays his journey of self-discovery and determination, highlighting the importance of pursuing one’s passion despite societal expectations and limitations.

Creativity and Innovation

The film celebrates creativity and innovation in the culinary arts. Remy’s inventive approach to cooking contrasts with the traditional methods of the restaurant’s staff, symbolizing the value of fresh perspectives and the courage to break from convention. This theme is encapsulated in Gusteau’s motto, “Anyone can cook,” suggesting that talent and creativity can come from the most unexpected places.

The Importance of Following One’s Passion

At its core, “Ratatouille” is about following one’s passion. Remy’s dedication to cooking and his refusal to settle for a life of mediocrity inspire those around him, including Linguini and even the initially skeptical Anton Ego. The film encourages viewers to pursue their dreams and find fulfillment in their true calling, regardless of the obstacles they may face.



Remy is the protagonist, a rat with a refined palate and a passion for cooking. His journey from the countryside to the bustling kitchens of Paris highlights his determination and ingenuity. Remy’s character embodies the film’s central themes of ambition and creativity.


Linguini is a young, inexperienced kitchen worker who becomes Remy’s partner. His clumsiness and lack of culinary skills contrast sharply with Remy’s expertise, making their partnership both humorous and heartwarming. Linguini’s character development is significant, as he gains confidence and finds his place in the culinary world with Remy’s guidance.

Chef Skinner

Chef Skinner is the film’s antagonist, the head chef of Gusteau’s restaurant who is more interested in commercial success than culinary excellence. His suspicion of Linguini and Remy drives much of the film’s conflict, representing the resistance to change and innovation within the culinary industry.


Colette is the only female chef in Gusteau’s kitchen and becomes Linguini’s mentor and love interest. Her tough exterior hides a deep passion for cooking, and she eventually supports Remy and Linguini’s unconventional partnership.

Anton Ego

Anton Ego is a feared food critic whose negative review contributed to the decline of Gusteau’s restaurant. His transformation from a cynical critic to a supporter of Remy and Linguini’s cooking is one of the film’s most poignant arcs, emphasizing the power of great food to evoke emotion and change perspectives.


The setting of “Ratatouille” plays a crucial role in the film’s charm and authenticity. Set in the heart of Paris, the movie captures the city’s vibrant culinary scene and iconic landmarks. The detailed animation brings the bustling kitchens of Gusteau’s restaurant to life, providing a rich backdrop for Remy’s culinary adventures. The Parisian setting not only adds to the film’s visual appeal but also underscores the cultural significance of food and cooking in French society.

“Ratatouille” is a delightful and inspiring film that resonates with audiences of all ages. Its compelling story, rich themes, and memorable characters, set against the enchanting backdrop of Paris, make it a timeless classic. The film’s message about following one’s passion and embracing creativity continues to inspire and entertain viewers around the world.

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