Unified Security Solutions: The Power of Cloud Deployment

Based on recent reports from the security sector, at least 60 percent of businesses have experienced physical security breaches over the last few years. Those incidents can be extremely costly for companies. Their direct losses from theft and vandalism alone can be significant. Beyond that, indirect repercussions, like unexpected downtime, higher insurance premiums, and damage to their reputations are often even more costly. 

With that being the case, it’s important for businesses to ramp up their physical security measures. Cloud deployment models, like saas security solutions, can help. They’re designed to strengthen companies’ physical security from several angles. 

Remote Access and Monitoring

For one, cloud-based physical security solutions can be accessed and monitored remotely. Security personnel don’t necessarily have to be right there at the scene of the incident to see it unfold and respond accordingly. They can keep an eye on the business from virtually anywhere. If the need arises, they can get law enforcement en route, initiate lockdowns, or take other measures to contain the situation and minimize its impact.

That greatly reduces response times and can make crime prevention much more effective. No one can physically watch every inch of a business all the time, especially if it’s a large site. Cloud-based physical security is as close as it gets, though. It can give businesses comprehensive around-the clock coverage to help keep security breaches under control. 


Cloud-based security solutions also offer added flexibility when compared to other measures. They can be used with a variety of devices from conventional CCTV cameras to smart locks and beyond. They’re perfect for both internal and external monitoring and access control, and they can be customized to meet businesses’ unique needs. At the same time, cloud-based security measures can integrate with other systems, like onsite access control, business management systems, HR databases, and many others. As such, they can help to strengthen a company’s security.

For example, say a business fires an employee, and that person decides to get revenge by stealing products or sensitive information. With standard security systems, even those that used advanced tools like password protection and biometrics, that person might have a window of a few hours or even several days to do so. With cloud-based security solutions that are linked to access control systems and company databases, though, that window can be eliminated via automatic access revocation. 

Automatic Updates

Another way cloud-based security solutions can reinforce businesses’ physical security is through automatic updates. Manually updating security systems can be extremely time consuming and costly. While those updates are being implemented, the company is more vulnerable to security breaches. With cloud-based solutions, though, updates are put into play without manual intervention. That eliminates potential gaps in security. It also ensures constant protection against the latest threats whether they’re universal or unique to a specific business. 

Keeping Businesses Protected Inside and Out

Today’s businesses are faced with an ever-growing range of security threats. Physical security breaches are on the rise, and companies are struggling to prevent them. Several advanced security measures are available for that purpose, but many of them don’t provide the customized, all-inclusive coverage companies need. Cloud-based physical security solutions can bridge the gaps left behind by other solutions. When used in conjunction with other security systems and features, they can strengthen businesses’ defenses and help prevent both the direct and indirect costs of security breaches. 

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